
H.E. Rashid Sesay Shares Sierra Leone’s Investment Opportunities With India

By Mohamed Lamin Massaquoi

Information Attaché, UAE

On Friday, 13th January, 2023, Sierra Leone’s accredited High Commissioner to India, H.E. Rashid Sesay, met with a group of entrepreneurs and diplomats in New Delhi, India, to share his country’s investment climate and opportunities.

High Commissioner Sesay said that Sierra Leone and India share a lot in common, and expressed admiration for India’s development trajectory, while noting that there was a lot Sierra Leone could benefit from, in terms of knowledge and experience sharing. He mentioned that his visit to India was to share his country’s development vision, tap from India’s experience and woo the right investment on a mutual basis.

The Envoy also mentioned series of investment reforms in Sierra Leone, particularly the National Investment Board, set up to eradicate all roadblocks to investment and to provide the strongest political commitment that would encourage investment to thrive. He highlighted several areas that offer opportunities for investment in Sierra Leone; ranging from agriculture, education, tourism, infrastructure, medicines and pharmaceuticals and telecommunications.

“We are looking out for investments that will provide employment opportunities for our youths and impact our local communities. We are a safe country, and you are assured that your businesses will be safe. Sierra Leone is the place to be, and I welcome you all to visit and get a first-hand experience of our hospitality and the enormous opportunities we can offer,” he said.

Honorary Consul for Sierra Leone in India, Dr Sukhdev Kumar, an entrepreneur and medical practitioner, told the gathering that Sierra Leone was a fast-developing nation, with potentials in different fields, and therefore encouraged his compatriots to visit and invest in the West-African state.

As part of the outcomes of the engagements, work has already started for an Indian trade delegation to visit Sierra Leone earlier this year.

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